Step-by-Step Exam Application Process:
Please note: State licensure provides the legal basis for practice. In addition to passing the certification exam, you will need to apply for licensure in the state you will be practicing in. This is not an automatic process. Please contact the licensure agency for your state (Boards of Nursing, Boards of Medicine, Boards of Midwifery/Nurse-Midwifery, or Departments of Health) to review the process.
Exam Application via Online Submission:
- STEP 1: Please read the Candidate Handbook.
- STEP 2: Select CNM/CM Exam Applications.
- STEP 3: Scroll down until you see: “For online CNM/CM Exam Applications Click Here”. Click and you will be re-directed to the AMCB Portal Page
- STEP 4: Click on First Time Applicant-Certified Midwife (CM) or Certified Nurse-Midwife (CNM) then click Create Account.
- STEP 5: Once you have created your account, please follow the screen directions and complete the appropriate application. RNs should complete the CNM form, non RNs complete the CM form.
Note: You may pay the $500.00 Examination fee online by credit card or you may mail a check payable to AMCB at 8825 Stanford Blvd., Suite 150, Columbia, MD 21045
If you complete the CNM application, please submit a copy of your RN license. You may mail or email this document to our office.
Your program director must send a letter to AMCB confirming your name, date of birth, and date of successful completion of the midwifery program. Once this letter is received your application will be processed.
REMEMBER: Applicants have 24 months from date of program completion to pass the Examination. Applicants are allowed to sit for the Examination a maximum of 4 times.
AMCB strongly encourages candidates to sit for the certification examination as soon as completing their midwifery education program. Research indicates that candidates perform best when taking certification examinations immediately after program completion.
For online CNM/CM Exam Applications click
Exam Application via Mail Submission:
- STEP 1: Please read the Candidate Handbook.
- STEP 2: Obtain and complete the appropriate application form listed below. RNs should complete the CNM form, non-RNs complete the CM form.
- STEP 3: An RN applicant for the CNM Examination must attach proof of RN Licensure showing the current expiration date.
- STEP 4: Include the $500.00 Examination fee with the completed application. Examination fee can be paid by personal check made payable to AMCB or credit card.
- STEP 5: Mail completed application to American Midwifery Certification Board (AMCB) at 8825 Stanford Blvd, Suite 150, Columbia, Maryland 21045.
Applications for certification must include payment by personal check or credit card. Checks should be made out to AMCB.
REMEMBER: Applicants have 24 months from date of program completion to pass the Examination. Applicants are allowed to sit for the Examination a maximum of 4 times.
Scheduling the Examination
- STEP 1: AMCB will notify you by email (usually by Tuesday or Wednesday of the week following the processing of your application) that the Examination can be scheduled with the testing facility (PSI).
- STEP 2: After you have been notified that the Examination may be scheduled, either call PSI at 800-345-6559 or 888-519-9901 or visit the PSI website to schedule your Examination. Applicants approved for special accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act must schedule by phone.
PSI Candidate Experience Video Now Available

- STEP 1: AMCB is provided with official scores twice per month. Successful applicants are assigned a Certification number and expiration date.
- STEP 2: Your certificate and other pertinent documents will be mailed to the primary address listed on your AMCB account. Your name, certification number, certification date, and certification expiration date will be added to our online database at Certification is valid for 5 years and will expire on December 31 of the relevant year. All certificants are automatically enrolled in the Certificate Maintenance Program (CMP) starting January 1st of the year following initial certification.
- STEP 3: AMCB will send one complimentary verification letter. You may have this letter sent to another entity (i.e. State Board of Nursing, OBGYN practice, hospital, etc.) by providing AMCB with the necessary information on your Exam Application prior to AMCB processing your certificate.
The Maryland State Approving Agency has approved the AMCB certification examinations for Department of Veterans Affairs reimbursement. For information on how to apply for reimbursement please click here.
Preview and download the Certification Brochure:
If you have any questions about the application process, please contact:
Morgan Saul
Certification Coordinator
Phone: 410-694-9424 ext. 7017